
  • TheronBour
真實姓名 Theron
所在地 Uberaba
所在時區 (GMT) 格林威治時間、倫敦、都柏林、里斯本、卡薩布蘭卡、蒙羅維亞
職業 Mental health assistant
興趣愛好 Games Club - Dungeons and Dragons, Monopoly, Etc., Vintage Books
個人介紹 Khadijah Soares is what her husband loves to call her and she feels comfortable and also exercising
. use complete name. Collecting kites is issue I love most involving most.
Curing people is just how she supports her in addition to
her salary has be
註冊日期 12月02日 17:27
頭銜等級 新會員
最後登入時間 12月06日 07:52
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